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The Monroe Temple of Liberal Judaism, Inc.   

Monroe Temple Beth El

Statement on Anti Racism and Racial Equality


Our Congregation adopts the following statement regarding Anti -Racism, which underscores our Jewish commitment to Justice and Tikun Olam. We affirm this statement of principles and make it our own. We call on our community to commit to anti-racism and to fight for racial justice and equity. To be silent is to be complicit. Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof -Justice, justice thou shalt pursue; as a Congregation we affirm our obligation to listen deeply, to hold ourselves accountable, to speak out with courage, and to be agents of change.

Our Jewish tradition is replete with instances of moral reckoning when we are asked to be present and accounted for. “Ayecha?,” we are asked. “Where are you?” We respond with a full throated, “Hineinu.” “We are here.”

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I?  If not now, when?                                       (Pirkei Avot 1:14  Rabbi Hillel)

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to ensure that People of Color can be whole, never expected to choose between aspects of their identity and celebrate the multifaceted nature of humanity.

As Reform Jews committed to the spirit of this teaching, we say unequivocally, Black Lives Matter.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to commit to a human and civil rights movement, working to end systemic racism against Black people and white supremacy, the same as our commitment to fight Anti-Semitism.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to recognize that we are a racially diverse Reform Jewish Movement, and that our diversity is a source of our strength.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is for white Reform Jews to pledge to be in solidarity with Black Jews and Black people from all backgrounds against racial injustice and to act accordingly.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to recognize the imperative to live with complexity and know that we can be steadfast in our love of and support for Israel while working side by side with those who hold differing views and express them respectfully.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to accept discomfort, knowing that actions or inaction of white Jews have contributed to ongoing racial injustice.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to move beyond allyship and commit to long-term solutions both internally in ourselves, our own organization, and externally in our communities to disrupt and dismantle white supremacy.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to acknowledge that Black people risk their personal comfort and safety every day in white dominated institutions, and that white Jews must commit to risking their personal comfort in the struggle for racial justice.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is to commit to individual and organizational antiracist trainings, identifying specific antiracist hiring practices and lay structures, and outlining goals around specific racial justice action steps.

To affirm that Black Lives Matter is for white Jews to reflect on their own thoughts and behavior, to build meaningful relationships with Jews of Color and People of Color generally, and to work for reforms that will achieve real, lived freedom for Black people.

We affirm that Black Lives Matter.

We stand against Racism.

We will fight for Anti-Racism & Anti-Semitism hand in hand.

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