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About Us

From the celebration of new life to the saying of Kaddish, Monroe Temple Beth-El is your spiritual home–your Bayit or House for honoring life cycle events as well as celebrating Shabbat and the Jewish holy days. Our Clergy, members and our staff join in welcoming you to our synagogue and to our website!

Who are we?
Our membership is a mosaic of people from across the country, and around the globe. We have families of differing sizes and configurations, and individuals who represent a broad spectrum of occupations and avocations. Although the degree of religious observance varies, all members are committed to exploring a Jewish way of life.

Our congregation has a long history with the Reform movement, creating a thoughtful balance between current philosophy and traditional ritual.  Central to our belief system are the following: 1) God, Torah, and the Jewish people 2) the equality of men and women in the congregation,  3) the importance of Tikkun Olam, repairing our world through social action, 4) Gimmilut Hassidim, Acts of Loving Kindness, and  5) supporting Israel.


MTLJ Facts

  • Established 1944

  • Moved into present building in 1956.

  • Devoted to the enhancement of Jewish life and Tikkun Olam.

  • Active Religious School

  • Active Sisterhood (WRJ affiliated) and Men’s Club

  • Active Temple Youth Group affiliated with NFTY

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